Par 3 holes are a staple in the world of golf, providing both beginners and seasoned golfers with an opportunity to test their skills on a shorter but often more precise hole. One common question that arises when approaching a Par 3 is whether to tee up irons. In this article, we’ll explore this topic, address the use of tees on Par 3 holes, and provide tips on what to tee off with and how high to tee the ball for an optimal performance.

The decision to tee up irons on a Par 3 depends on your personal preference, playing style, and skill level. Some golfers choose to tee up irons, while others prefer hitting off the ground. Teeing up irons can offer certain advantages including the following:
Consistency: Teeing up an iron can help maintain a consistent ball height, which can be challenging to achieve when hitting irons off the ground.
Control: Many golfers find that teeing up irons provides better control over the shot’s trajectory and direction.
Reduced divot damage: Using a tee with irons can minimize the damage to the turf, which is especially relevant on well-maintained Par 3 courses.
Are You Supposed To Use A Tee On A Par 3?
Using a tee on a Par 3 is entirely acceptable and commonly done, especially with irons or hybrid clubs. While some purists prefer hitting directly off the ground, many golfers find that teeing up the ball on Par 3 holes provides certain advantages. Tees can help ensure consistent ball height and make it easier to control the trajectory of your shot. Additionally, using a tee can be beneficial for golfers who struggle with ball contact when hitting from the turf. It is important to note that you are only allowed to use a tee when hitting your tee shot on the tee box, and not at any other time or place on the golf course.
What Do You Tee Off With On A Par 3?
The club you choose to tee off with on a Par 3 will depend on the distance to the hole and your personal preferences. Common club choices for Par 3s include irons, hybrids, and even fairway woods. Your decision should be based on the following factors.

Distance: Select a club that allows you to reach the green comfortably. Par 3 holes can vary significantly in length, so choose the appropriate club to ensure you can make the green in one shot.
Accuracy: Consider your proficiency with each club. If you’re more confident with a particular iron or hybrid, it’s usually a good choice.
Course conditions: Factor in the course conditions, such as wind and terrain, when selecting a club. Adjust your choice accordingly to account for these variables.
It’s crucial to practice with different clubs on Par 3 holes to determine which one suits your game best.
How High Should You Tee A Ball On A Par 3?
The height at which you tee the ball on a Par 3 depends on your club choice and personal preferences. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine the appropriate tee height:
Irons: Tee the ball low for irons. The top of the tee should be just above the ground, allowing you to make clean contact with the ball.
Hybrids and fairway woods: Tee the ball slightly higher for these clubs, so that the mid-to-top part of the ball is above the clubface when you address the ball.
Experimentation: Don’t hesitate to experiment with tee height during practice rounds to find the tee height that provides the best results for your game. Tee height can influence your shot’s trajectory and distance.
Keep in mind that you have the flexibility to choose whether or not to use a tee for your Par 3 tee shot. You can always opt for the traditional tee placement or decide to hit your shot directly from the turf, allowing for a diverse range of shot strategies at your disposal.
In conclusion, the decision to tee up irons on a Par 3, the use of tees, club selection, and tee height all come down to personal preference and the specific circumstances of the hole. Golf is a game of precision, and finding the approach that works best for you can significantly improve your performance on Par 3 holes. So, whether you prefer teeing up irons or not, remember that it’s all about enhancing your game and enjoying the experience on the course.