Staff Spotlight: Angela Ayen

May 4, 2018

Angela Mae Ann Ayen began her career at the Village at River Landing over a year ago and has become a familiar friendly face to those who visit the Village Store and Village Subs regularly. Originally from the Philippines, she’s expressed how much she loves Wallace and the people she’s had the opportunity to interact with since she’s been here. She believes that Wallace is a peaceful place that emits positive vibes, making it easy to relax.

Angela graduated from Mariners Polytechnic Colleges in Naga City with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, which she has put to impressive use here with us. Wallace is the first place she has worked abroad and has high hopes that she will be able to travel much more around the United States whenever she gets the chance.


Fun Facts about Angela…

How old are you?


Do you have any siblings?

Yes, I have two sisters!

What have you learned in your time here at River Landing?

River Landing has taught me how to be independent, hard-working, and responsible. This place has helped show me how to handle adult life.

What’s an interesting fact about the city you’re from?

We have a lot of beautiful beaches and great food that everyone can enjoy!

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